Inspired by the General Education offered by the universities, Lam Woo General Education are uniquely designed and conducted to broaden students' foundation and horizons.
From 2022/23, Lam Woo provided general education lessons for all F.5 students. F.5 students can choose one of the nine given courses in each term.
The following video recorded some excerpts in all our nine courses in 2023/24 first term:
Here is a list of courses (in alphabetical order) offered to students in 2023/24:
About Medical Field 醫療領域初探
Aviation and Flight Simulation
Bones Don't Lie: 法醫人類學工作坊
Cooking Lovers
Creative Photography
Exploring Online Music Apps
Functional Fitness Training
Innovation and Technology
Music and the society
Theory of Knowledge
中國象棋 - 決策的藝術
Lamwooers are enlightened from these courses and enjoy learning!
Teacher/Coordinator/External Tutor list in 24/25:
- Ms. CHOI Shui Fan
- Mr. CHONG Chun Chung
- Ms. HUI Yat Ching
- Mr. LAM Chi Kin
- Ms. LEE Lai Li
- Mr. LEE Shing Hin
- Ms. MAK Po King
- Ms. SHUM Sau Wai
- Mr. WONG Kwok Tai (Subject coordinator)
- Ms. CHOW Shuk Man
- Ms. HSUI Yu Ki
- Mr. KWOK Ka Wai
- Mr. KWOK Sai Kit
- Ms. NG Po Ying
- Mr. SO Man Hin
- Mr. TANG Cho Ming
External Tutors:
- Ms. LEE Hin Shin Winsome (Bones Don't Lie)
- Mr. HUNG Chi Ho (Functional Fitness Training)
- Mr. KWONG Man Kit Aleck (Arts as Medicine)
- Mr. WANG Shu Lin (Sign Language)
- Mr. WU Siu Cheung (Fencing)