(For previous years, please click the links on the left).
HKDSE Examination 2024 (Updated after rechecking/remarking results)
110 F.6 students sat the HKDSE 2024 and they performed very well. They obtained 268 Level 5 to 5** (including Mathematics Extended Parts). On average each student attained Level 5 or above in 2.44 subjects. 11 students scored Level 5** in two or more subjects. 6D CHEN Tsz Yeung achieved 5** in four subjects. 84 students (76.4%) obtained 20 grade points or above, which is equivalent to scoring Level 4 or above in 5 subjects. 93.6% of our students met the basic university entrance requirement (332A2).
Note: Subjects with self-study student only is not included in the graph above (including an 'A' in Japanese)
The summary of university admission is as follows: