STEAM Education

A. Objectives

  • Incorporate innovation and technology, such as coding and AI, into the curriculum to help students stay current.

  • Nurture students' interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics to meet global changes and challenges.

  • Enhance students' ability to integrate and apply knowledge and skills from Mathematics, Science, and Technology by providing hands-on and minds-on learning experiences to solve real-life problems.

  • Develop students' creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving skills, and foster their innovation and entrepreneurial spirit, aligning with Hong Kong's 21st-century development direction.

  • Foster positive values and attitudes, such as empathy and care for others, through designing and creating products that address everyday problems and positively impact society.

  • Stretch students' potential, broaden their horizons, and enrich their learning experience by providing opportunities for more able or interested students to participate in external competitions and enhancement programs related to STEAM education.

B. Approaches

  1. Whole-school approach (STEAM for all)
    STEAM Curriculum (Coding, AI, VR, IoT, etc)
    STEAM Fun Days (Robotics for all F.1, and Hovercraft for all F.2)
    STEAM Talks
  2. Able student development (STEAM for the interested)
    Programming enrichment course
    3D Game design course
    Teen TechCreator
    LEGO robotics course
    FinTech and Blockchain course
    Aviation course
    A.I. Car workshop
    Visit to Hong Kong Productivity Council
    Visit to Hong Kong Science Park
    Firm Visits (Accenture, Bank of America, Prudential, etc)
  3. Elite student development (STEAM for the talented)
    Hong Kong Olympiad in Informatics
    International Coding Elite Challenge
    First LEGO League Challenge
    Robotics Intelligence DIY
    Greater Bay Area A.I. Science and Technology Competition
    Hong Kong Inter-school Formula AI Competition
    JA Code for Impact Challenge
    Hong Kong Youth Science and Technology Competition
    Soong Ching Ling Awards for Children's Invention
    Aerosim Inter-school Aviation Tournament

C. Hightlights

