50th Anniversary Celebrations

50th Anniversary Events

To serve and to lead
By word, thought and deed

騰飛五十   領航弘愛





Slogan Design Competition

15 November 2019 (deadline)


Logo Design Competition

15 November 2019 (deadline)


Joint School Positive Education Seminar


Due to COVID-19

Anniversary Concert


Due to COVID-19

Academic Talks



Open Day

27 November 2021

Online (Please read here for details)

Thanksgiving Service and 50th Anniversary Opening Ceremony

13 November 2020

Please click here for details

Anniversary Dinner

Venue: Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre (KITEC) 6/F Rotunda 3

Dinner fee: $900 per person
Considering the needs of the graduates who may currently be attending school, a maximum of 10 tables will be reserved for 15-16, 16-17, 17-18, 18-19 and 19-20 Form 6 graduates at a concessionary fee of $500 per person on a first-come-first-served basis.

After deducting the administrative expenses, all proceeds will go to the All-Round Education Fund, to support students for their whole-person development. Financial report will be uploaded on the school website.


In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are sorry to inform you that the 50th Anniversary Dinner will be cancelled. It has certainly been a difficult decision for us. We are deeply grateful for your continued support.


50周年校慶文集 - 甘林 - 學生作品
The 50th Anniversary Souvenirs   If you wish to purchase the products, please click here for details.