48th Speech Day

Dear F.6 Graduates (2019-2020),


We are pleased to inform you that the 48th Speech Day will be scheduled on 19th March 2021 (Friday) from 3:00 to 4:00pm in School Hall. Please note the following:


1. All graduates should arrive at school by 2:15pm and take roll call in respective classrooms (Room 102-106).


2. To avoid overcrowding, only graduates can attend the ceremony. All other people (including parents and friends of the graduates) will not be permitted to enter the school premise before or after the ceremony.


3. Graduates can take photos after the ceremony on the ground floor and first floor from 4:00 to 5:00pm. They should then return the gown in Mini-stage and leave the campus as soon as possible.


4. Due to COVID-19, graduates must not attend the Speech Day if they feel unwell (including but not limited to fever, cough, headache and sore throat), are under compulsory testing or are household members of close contacts of confirmed case until negative results are released.


5. Please observe personal hygiene and keep social distance. Do not take off your masks during the ceremony and while taking photos or meeting your teachers and friends.


We are looking forward to seeing you in the Speech Day.


Yours faithfully,

Cheng Hong Yung



各中六畢業生 (2019-2020屆別):


第四十八屆畢業禮現訂於2021年3月19日(星期五) 下午3:00 - 4:00在學校禮堂舉行。敬希留意以下事項:


1.    請各中六畢業生於下午2:15 前到校,並分別前往102-106課室報到。


2.    因應疫情,為免人群聚集,只限畢業生本人到校出席畢業禮,其餘人士(包括畢業生家長、朋友等)恕未能招待,亦不能於畢業禮前後進入校園。


3.    畢業禮完結後,各畢業生可於下午4:00-5:00期間在校內拍照留念,活動範圍只限於地下及一樓樓層。拍攝後,請依時歸還畢業袍至Mini-Stage,並及早離開校園。


4. 畢業生如有不適(包括但不限於發燒、咳嗽、頭痛、喉嚨痛等病徵),或屬2019冠狀病毒病強制檢測人士 / 確診個案密切接觸者的同住成員,不可出席畢業禮,直至檢測後獲取陰性結果通知及證明。


5.    疫情反覆不定,請時刻注意個人衛生,畢業禮進行中、與師友交流或拍攝期間,請時刻配戴口罩,以防病毒傳播。



