
Li Ka Shing Foundation arranged a workshop on Saildrone, a kind of unmanned, wind and solar-powered boat, in our school for our students and the students from our neighbouring Buddhist Sin Tak College. The speaker from the Saildrone Antarctic Cimcumnavigation, taught the students the scientific principles of Saildrones, and how to use the valuable data collected by Saildrones to initiate their own investigations.


Please browse here for more detailed report from Sing Tao News, and here to know more about the epic journey in Antarctica.


感謝李嘉誠基金會,以及「Saildrone南極環流探索」計畫負責人Sebastien, 於三月五日為本校學生舉行工作坊,介紹Saildrone 的科學原理及研究領域,並教導學生如何抽取Saildrone 得來的各項珍貴數據作研究之用。友校佛教善德英文中學的師生亦一同參與交流,令同學獲益良多。


請瀏覽星島日報報導連結之詳細報導,及瀏覽 Saildrone 網站,深入了解其南極探索之旅。