Updates on the Cancellation of the 50th Anniversary Dinner

In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are sorry to inform you that the 50th Anniversary Dinner was cancelled. It has certainly been a difficult decision for us. We are deeply grateful for your continued support and understanding.


On behalf of our school, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your generosity and support. Not only can our students enhance their whole-person development with the aid of the donation, we have also managed to spread the love and care towards our community by presenting the goody bags donated by our alumni and parents to the elderly. Let's witness the joy by checking out the lovely photos sent by HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre and HKSKH Crown of Thorns Church.


The income and expenditure account is also available for your perusal. Should you have any query, please feel free to contact us at 2420 8893.


Wish you good health and happiness!