Online Exchange Session with our sister school - Saga University Affiliated Junior High School, Japan

An online exchange session with Saga University Affiliated Junior High School, which is also our sister school, was held on 25th February 2021. Due to COVID-19, students from both schools are not able to visit each other face-to-face. But thanks to technology, the online session got students to know the happenings in Japan and Hong Kong. After the welcoming speech of principals from both schools, Mr. Gotanda Susumu and Mr. Cheng Hong Yung, students shared the influences of COVID-19 on their daily life and school life as well as their views on school rules. Our Lamwooers also introduced our Hong Kong popular culture to their Japanese counterparts. The Q&A session has also deepened their understanding on the topics. All teachers and students enjoyed the online exchange session a lot and they all hope the pandemic will be over so that they can meet each other in person soon!

