We are very grateful that the Gospel Week 2020 was still smoothly held at school despite COVID-19. The theme chosen for this year is ‘Grace and Peace’. During this very unusual perhaps even threatening time, we need to remember all the better the love of God has always been with us throughout history.
The Christian Fellowship is eager to share the good news of Christianity with schoolmates of all years. As large-scale activities and gatherings could not happen this year, during the week they looked for chances to sing heart-warming hymns for other students at 7:30 am before lessons started and at recesses. Mr. Tai Ko-kiu was the guitarist playing music and core members of the Christian Fellowship were singing along walking past different levels of the main building. Although everyone was exceptionally busy dealing with various work tasks because of the recent schooling condition, we were delighted to see the smiling faces of schoolmates as we greeted them, sang together for them and shouted the good message into their classrooms. Mr. Cheng Wing-kin, the school chaplain, had prepared multiple devotional materials to be broadcast through public announcement. It is hoped that students in Lam Woo will continue to experience God as the eternal lover and abundant giver of Life. Soli Deo gloria!