CodeCombat CodeQuest 2021全球挑戰賽
We are pleased to announce that 6E Mei Ka Wai has achieved the Second Prize in the CodeCombat CodeQuest 2021. He ranked 17th globally in the Secondary School Division. CodeQuest is a month-long global coding competition conducted in August 2021. There were 3,400 students from 70 countries and regions over the world participating in the challenge. Click here for further information.
恭喜6E梅嘉煒同學在「CodeCombat CodeQuest 2021全球挑戰賽」中榮獲全球二等獎,其全球排名為中學組第17位。CodeQuest是一項為期一個月的全球編程比賽,並於2021年8月舉行。本屆有來自全球70個國家及地區的3,400位學生參加。按此獲取更多有關該比賽的資訊。